Smart Strategies for Logo Design

Custom Made Signs

Signage that properly reflects your business’ branding is one of the best ways to get the most out of your interior and exterior business signs. For this reason, it can be important to have a logo prepared before you purchase signs for your business. If you’re interested in ordering custom-made signs in Phoenix or Chandler, but don’t have a business logo, then watch this video to learn some smart logo design strategies.

A good logo should be unique but also simple, and logos fall into 3 main categories: wordmarks, icons, and combination marks. No matter what type you choose, the logo should look good and be recognizable whether it’s in color or black and white. To get started, sketch your logo ideas in a sketchbook or grid composition book. Later, you should finalize the logo in a vector-based program, which will allow you to scale the design easily. Contact us to learn more about signs in Phoenix DMA.